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1.10 Next steps Consultees are invited to consider all of the information provided in this NTS and the PEIR and to provide their comments. There are a number of ways that stakeholders can provide feedback on the PEIR as part of statutory consultation. The Applicant is holding a number of public exhibitions. At these events, the Applicant will specifically consult stakeholders and the local community on the contents of this PEIR. Anyone who could potentially be affected by or may have an active interest in the Mona Offshore Wind Project is encouraged to attend. The timings and locations of the consultation events are further detailed on the Mona website. Comments on the Mona Offshore Wind Project PEIR should be made in writing and submitted:

  • By post to: Freepost MONA (please be advised it is not possible to send registered post to a freepost address)
  • By email to:
  • By feedback form: available on the project website, at community events or by request from the consultation team. The deadline for receipt of comments on this statutory consultation is 04 June 2023. Any comments received during statutory consultation will be provided to the Planning Inspectorate and may be made public. The Applicant will refine further the Mona Offshore Wind Project design and EIA based upon the consultation responses received in relation to the PEIR. The final results of the EIA will be presented in an Environmental Statement and a summary of all the consultation responses received will be presented in a Consultation Report, both of which will accompany the DCO application to be submitted in 2024.