Term | Meaning |
Applicant | Mona Offshore Wind Limited. |
Candidate Special Areas of Conservation (cSACs) | SACs that were submitted to the European Commission before the end of the Transition Period following the UK’s exit from the European Union (EU), but not yet formally designated. See also Special Areas of Conservation (SAC). |
Development Consent Order (DCO) | An order made under the Planning Act 2008 granting development consent for one or more Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP). |
Environmental Statement | The document presenting the results of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for the Mona Generation Assets Generation Assets. |
European Protected Species (EPS) | European Protected Species (such as bats, great crested newts, otters and dormice) receive full protection under The Conservation of Species and Habitats Regulations 2010. |
Marine licence | The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 requires a marine licence to be obtained for licensable marine activities. Section 149A of the Planning Act 2008 allows an applicant for a DCO to apply for ‘deemed marine licences’ as part of the DCO process. |
Marine spatial planning | A public process of analysing and allocating the spatial and temporal distribution of human activities in marine areas to achieve ecological, economic and social objectives that have been specified through a political process. |
Maximum design scenario | The scenario within the design envelope with the potential to result in the greatest impact on a particular topic receptor, and therefore the one that should be assessed for that topic receptor. |
Mona Array Area | The area within which the wind turbines, foundations, inter-array cables, interconnector cables, offshore export cables and offshore substation platforms (OSPs) forming part of the Mona Offshore Wind Project will be located. |
Mona Scoping Report | The Mona Scoping Report that was submitted to The Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State) for the Mona Offshore Wind Project. |
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) | Large scale development including power generating stations which requires development consent under the Planning Act 2008. An offshore wind farm project with a capacity of more than 100MW in England constitutes an NSIP. |
Offshore Wind Leasing Round 4 | The Crown Estate auction process which allocated developers preferred bidder status on areas of the seabed within Welsh and English waters and ends when the Agreements for Lease (AfLs) are signed. |
Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) | A site designation specified in the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. Each site is designated for one or more of the habitats and species listed in the Regulations. The legislation requires a management plan to be prepared and implemented for each SAC to ensure the favourable conservation status of the habitats or species for which it was designated. In combination with SPAs and Ramsar sites, these sites contribute to the national site network. |
Special Protection Areas (SPAs) | A site designation specified in the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, classified for rare and vulnerable birds, and for regularly occurring migratory species. SPAs contribute to the national site network. |
The Planning Inspectorate | The executive agency of the Department for Communities and Local Government responsible for operating the planning process for NSIPs. |
The Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy | The decision maker with regards to the application for development consent for the Mona Offshore Wind Project. |
Acronym | Description |
AEZ | Archaeological Exclusion Zones |
AfL | Agreement for Lease |
ALARP | As Low as Reasonably Practicable |
ALC | Agricultural Land Classification |
AONB | Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty |
BEIS | Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CAS | Controlled Airspace |
CEA | Cumulative Effect Assessment |
CRNRA | Cumulative Regional Navigational Risk Assessment |
cSAC | Candidate Special Area of Conservation |
DCO | Development Consent Order |
eDNA | Environmental Deoxyribonucleic Acid |
EEA | European Economic Area |
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EMF | Electro-Magnetic Field |
EU | European Union |
EWG | Expert Working Group |
GHG | Greenhouse Gas |
GVA | Gross Value Added |
HGV | Heavy Goods Vehicle |
HMRI | Helicopter Main Route Indicators |
HVAC | High Voltage Alternating Current |
IAQM | Institute for Air Quality Management |
ISAA | Information to Support the Appropriate Assessment |
JB | Joint Bay |
LAT | Lowest Astronomical Tide |
LB | Link Box |
LSS | Land Substation |
MCZ | Marine Conservation Zone |
MHWS | Mean High Water Springs |
MOD | Ministry of Defence |
MSL | Mean Sea Level |
MU | Management Unit |
NMRW | National Monuments Record of Wales |
NRA | Navigation Risk Assessment |
NSIP | Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project |
NTS | Non-Technical Summary |
OSP | Offshore Substation Platform |
PAD | Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries |
PEIR | Preliminary Environmental Information Report |
PEXA | Practice and Exercise Areas |
PPW | Planning Policy Wales |
PRoW | Public Rights of Way |
pSPA | Potential Special Protection Area |
PSR | Primary Surveillance Radar |
REWS | Radar Early Warning Systems |
SAC | Special Area of Conservation |
SCI | Site of Community Importance |
SLA | Special Landscape Area |
SPA | Special Protection Area |
SSC | Suspended Sediment Concentrations |
SSSI | Site of Special Scientific Interest |
TAN | Technical Advice Note |
TCE | The Crown Estate |
UXO | Unexploded Ordnance |
WSI | Written Scheme of Investigation |
ZTV | Zone of Theoretical Visibility |
Unit | Description |
% | Percentage |
°C | Degrees Celsius |
nm | Nautical miles |
km2 | Square kilometres |
Ml/l | Milligrams per litre |
m/s | Metres per second |
MW | Megawatt |